The Fr McGrath Centre offers several programs for young people aged 10-23 in the Butts Community and around Kilkenny. The programs support and promote leadership, personal growth, well-being and artistic expression for young people.
The Fr McGrath Centre offers several programs for young people aged 10-23 in the Butts Community and around Kilkenny. The programs support and promote leadership, personal growth, well-being and artistic expression for young people.
A committee for young people aged 14-20 to have their say on the development of the Butts Community. They are involved with strategic plan consultations, fund raising for local charities and hosting community days.
A committee for young people aged 14-20 to have their say on the development of the Butts Community. They are involved with strategic plan consultations, fund raising for local charities and hosting community days.
Founded by Butts native Mike Kelly in 2001 Dreamstuff has been a part of the Fr. McGrath Centre since 2016. They offer acting, comedy, creative writing and other art workshops for young people aged 10-23. They have recently spawned the Dreamstuff Improv Ensemble, Kilkenny’s first semi-independent, semi-pro improvised comedy troupe.
For young people aged 13+ from the Butts Community the Drop-In group get up to all sorts; cinema trips, game nights, art activities, cooking, chilling, and trips around Ireland and abroad.
Youth group trip to Malta, summer 2024
For more information on any of these projects contact
Thomas on 083 398 7919
or email: