Fr. McGrath Family Resource Centre

Location St. Joesph’s Rd. Kilkenny
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Parenting When Separated Programme

A practical and positive evidence-based course for parents who are preparing for, going through or have gone through a separation or divorce.

Parenting when separated can be challenging and confusing. Drawing on international long-term evidence, the Parents Plus ‘Parenting when Separated’ Programme is a six week course that highlights practical steps parents can take to help their children cope and thrive, as well as coping successfully themselves.

Topics include:

• Solving co-parenting problems in a positive way that focus on the needs of children.
• Cope with the emotional impact of separation and learn stress management techniques.
• Help your children cope with the impact of the separation both emotionally and practically.
• Enhance communication with their children and with their children’s other parent.

The ‘Parenting When Separated’ course does not propose to find magic answers but hopes to help parents to gain the support of other parents who may have similar experiences and to find down-to-earth solutions for difficult situations. The focus of the course is positive and aims to build on your strengths as a parent and what you are already doing right.

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Who should attend
The course is free to attend and is open to separated parents from all backgrounds. Both mothers and fathers, resident and non-resident parents are welcome to attend this course. Both parents of the same children are welcome to attend though we recommend you attend separate groups. Please contact us to discuss this. We will meet all parents for an individual introductory meeting prior to the group starting.

Course details
The course consists of six group sessions starting Monday 19th September 2022 – sessions are online and run from10.00 -12.30.
Introductory appointments are on week beginning 12th September 2022.
If you are interested in attending the course please contact
Wendy Taylor on 087-9777810 or Karin Todd on 087-2206730.
Alternatively you can send back this form to
or post to Wendy Taylor, Fr. McGrath Family Resource Centre, St. Josephs Road, Kilkenny. R95 P0KK.

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Parenting When Separated Course

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