Fr. McGrath Family Resource Centre

Location St. Joesph’s Rd. Kilkenny
Send us an email
Call us 056 775 1988



At the Learning Tree our curriculum is based on the emergent curriculum and inquiry approach, integrated with both Siolta and Aistear. It is extremely important to us as educator’s that we approach Aistear, Siolta and the emergent and inquiry-based curriculum in a unified way in order to provide high quality early learning experiences. Through this approach we are able provide children with evidence-based outcomes in all areas of development and skills, that they will carry through to adulthood.

Aistear and Síolta advocate the development of an emergent and inquiry-based curriculum. This type of curriculum is called emergent because it evolves as choices and connections are made by the children as they discover the world around them. There is an emphasis on child-led learning. The educator shares control with the children; and their actions, thoughts, play, ideas, and conversations guide the curriculum. This type of curriculum uses children’s and educators interests, questions and experiences as starting points for curriculum planning.

At times, topics emerge from children’s interests. At other times, educators introduce specific topics to support children’s learning and development linked to Aistear’s themes. In partnership with children, educators identify ideas or inquiries that become the focus for learning. Children’s engagement with people, materials, ideas and events triggers their curiosity and motivation to learn. Observant, skilled and supportive educators harness child-initiated interest and inquiry. They also know when it is appropriate and helpful to provide new opportunities and topics for children to explore or when to use adult interests as a stimulus for learning to create a relevant, meaningful and stimulating curriculum for all children.

In The Learning Tree we have created an inclusive environment that is nurturing and stimulating to support this.

Contact Us

We operate with an open-door policy,
inviting families to feel free to drop in to
the centre with any questions or concerns
at any time. We encourage parents to call
the centre at any time to discuss their child
or the service. It is of the utmost importance
to us to maintain good communication with
families about how their child is settling in
o their new classroom.

Please feel free to contact us at any time.

The Learning Tree Early Learning Centre

Fr McGrath Family Resource Centre
St Joseph’s Road, Kilkenny, R95P0KK

056-7786961 or 056-7751988 ext. 4